The Story of DiveOne

DiveOne MN LLC was founded in 2012 by a dive instructor from Minnesota! His mission was to travel to different schools throughout the state, provide trips to students, and get them dive-certified.

One such trip was to Grand Cayman. This was an incredible experience and an instant success through many schools. Because of this fantastic opportunity, this trip continued consistently throughout the summers for many years!

Unfortunately, when COVID struck, the founder decided to retire DiveOne MN LLC and put it to rest….

A Bright Future

However, alumni caught wind of this retirement and took it on; thus DiveOne MN LLC was reborn as DiveOne LLC, a signal to all that DiveOne is no longer tied to one state! We are looking forward to the expansion of trips and opportunities for students! The company now promises to add more trips, conservation efforts, and excellent experiences for new and existing clientele.