DiveOne Odyssey: A year in review

Well folks, another year has come and gone, but 2023 was not just a year- it was a plunge into the possibility of DiveOne! We chased our dreams, and boy, did we make a splash!

From Napkins to Nirvana: Our Website

We remember the days of scribbling our plans on every napkin, post-it, and any surface we could find, but those days are gone! In 2023, we launched our website, a shimmering portal to our ideas and goals. It's more than just a platform to choose your trip; it's a vibrant reef teeming with information, inspiration, and breathtaking trips that fit your needs at your fingertips. DiveOne's passion spills across digital waves through our website, inviting everyone to join our adventure.

Blog Bubbles Bursting with Brilliance

Our blogs were not simply posts; they were pearls plucked from the depths of the sea. Between "Sharing Sunken Cities," "Diving Wonders of the World," and "Ghost Stories," we created a community where we laughed, learned, and discovered together.

Spreading the Splash

We didn't just talk the talk; we walked the (er, swam the) walk! Through our networking, DiveOne was able to provide support to companies by Sponsoring their events! We got to share our ideas, collaborate with theirs, and, most importantly, see a business come off the ground with a grand opening! The joy on their faces was worth more than any sunken treasure.

Grand Prize

Any company that is starting up waits for the moment when all of the hard work pays off. We had a few this year, the first being a Business highlight through Women Who Influence, who believed in us when we had just gotten our sea legs!

Another monumental moment was our acceptance into Minnesota Education Academy Weekend. Did we squeal? Dance like no one was watching? Do multiple dolphin impersonations? Sure did! Getting accepted and meeting people from all different backgrounds cemented our dedication to sharing our passion and purpose.

And lastly, our interaction with students. To close out the year, we had the privilege of presenting to high schoolers, preparing them for their own trip! With their sharp questions and infectious enthusiasm, we were outnumbered by their bright minds. At that moment, we realized our impact extended beyond our imagination and knew we were offering students an extraordinary opportunity.

Raise your Fins to the Future

Not only do we have multiple trips planned for next year, but we also have our upcoming Shark Conservation trip! We are in the final stages of setting up our program to swim alongside these misunderstood giants, learning about their role in the ecosystem and how to actively protect them. We are excited about the launch of this trip in 2024 and can't wait to empower the next generation of ocean guardians!

A heartfelt “Thank you!”

As we break surface from a whirlwind year, we want to thank our amazing DiveOne Family. Whether you're considering a trip, loving our blog post, sharing in our enthusiasm, or our dear parents (A special shout out to Mom and Dad for their unwavering support!) You are the force that propels us forward

We raise our fins, bid 2023 farewell, and embrace all 2024 offers us. Happy New Year!


Dive Into Love


Giving Thanks to the Ocean: Celebrating Thanksgiving Beneath the Waves